
Violence and Memory

May 12, 2011
Getting the man is almost mythological. by David Morgan Late one night the President of the United States suddenly appears on...

Perverse Irony of the War on Terror

May 2, 2011
From Matthieu Aikins at Foreign Policy Magazine: Indeed, the Global War on Terror has illustrated the troubling contradictions that...

Journalism's Nowhere

May 1, 2011
Jay Rosen at PressThink on the things he's learned in 25 years of teaching journalism: It’s Bill Keller 

Jumping the Meme Shark

April 29, 2011
Writes James Gleich at Smithsonian: Memes emerge in brains and travel outward, establishing beachheads on paper and celluloid and...

Making Force Faithful

April 9, 2011
From a new post at Footnotes Since the Wilderness about the Ephrata Cloister in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and it's...

The Duty of Ritual Obeisance

March 27, 2011
From Lewis Lapham's introduction to the Celebrity issue of Latham's Quarterly (Winter 2011, p. 16): In place of the gods...

Cracker Barrel Exclusive

March 7, 2011
Kenny Rogers released a new album of his favorite gospel songs, "The Love of God," on Monday. "The trick...

Much Love to You Always, Dorothy

March 7, 2011
All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day; Marquette University Press (2011), $35 Reviewed by Jack Downey The...

Assessing the Culture Warriors

February 17, 2011
From Tim Muldoon's article at WaPo's On Faith blog, "Faltering and Leading: The Conservative Moment," in which Muldoon...

The Burden of Disbelief

February 13, 2011
From a review by The Washington Post's Hank Stuever of  "The Sunset Limited," a new HBO show written...

Green = Death

February 6, 2011
From Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death, a new book (with a 4 disc DVD companion; look for...

The Erotic Bible

February 6, 2011
Newsweek asks, "What does the bible really say about sex?" This ode to sexual consummation can be found...

The Prey of Productivity

February 6, 2011
From Gary Wolf's recent profile in Wired of David Allen, author of the wildly popular Getting...

The Book That Changed Europe

January 24, 2011
From BibliOdyssey, the below engraving, included in the 1723 - 1737 book by Bernard Picart, Cérémonies et Coutumes Religieuses...

Theocracy's Not So Bad

January 22, 2011
Julie Ingersoll writes at Religion Dispatches about a recent Christianity Today profile of the Ahmansons, husband and...

Our Sense of Knowing Better

January 14, 2011
From Genevieve Yue's "That Old Time Religion" at Reverse Shot: In 1799, Étienne-Gaspard Robertson premiered the phantasmagoria, a moving...

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