Anne Rice, Fallen Away

August 4, 2010
Eugene Cho at Sojourners on Anne Rice's shirk of Christianity: Let’s be honest. It’s easy to take shots at...

Muslims at Ground Zero

August 4, 2010
Yesterday, plans to build a Muslim religious center near Ground Zero were approved. Later in the day, Mayor...

The Meanings and Uses of Shari'ah

August 3, 2010
From Newt Gingrich's talk at American Enterprise Institute last month to the controversy surrounding a proposed Muslim religious center...

Creationists on the Ballot

July 28, 2010
The Sensuous Curmudgeon makes a tally of some of the more prominent creationists on the ballot for state...

But is it Evangelism?

July 27, 2010
by Daniel Schultz A church down in Gainesville is planning to hold an "International Burn A Quran Day" on...

HuffPo Scripture

July 26, 2010
Paul Rauschenbush, religion editor at Huffington Post, announced a new series that will highlight scriptural commentary: One of the...

Beck Off!

July 26, 2010
You don't mess with the theologians, Glenn Beck.  The folks at Union Theological Seminary haven't found Beck's use and...

Science, the State Religion

July 26, 2010
Young-earth creationist and founder of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, is taking the Smithsonian's Natural Museum of Natural...

Arabs Rape, Jews Screw?

July 26, 2010
Sabbar Kashur, an Israeli man, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for having consensual sex with a...

Equivocating Poverty

July 26, 2010
From Peter Laarman's post at Religion Dispatches, "Taking Back 'Big Government Liberalism'": So here is my question for religious...

He Is Stanley Hauerwas

July 23, 2010
Hannah’s Child: A Theologian’s Memoir, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (2010) $24.99 Reviewed by Jack Downey Stanley Hauerwas finds himself in a...

The Strange Moves of The Economist

July 19, 2010
By Jeff Sharlet The reverence with which so many upper-middle class Americans read The Economist has always puzzled me. There’s...

Getting One Over On Jerry

July 14, 2010
Talk to Action marks the anniversary of Jerry Sloan's 1984 televised clash with Jerry Falwell, an event that produced...

Thicker Norms.

July 14, 2010
From Burt Neuborne's review of Sarah Barringer Gordon's The Spriti of the Law, today at The Forward. When...

Beck's Founding Fathers

July 12, 2010
Glenn Beck has famously postulated -- on a blackboard -- that if all Americans knew the history and content...

Sproul's School

July 12, 2010
History.  Truth.  Faith.  That's the tagline for R.C. Sproul's new Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies.  Sproul,...

Economic "Stuckness"

July 12, 2010
Dan Schultz, at Religion Dispatches, on why we've got a "stuck" economy: Now, the religious message is that it...

Religious Studies in Illinois

July 12, 2010
An excerpt from the letter that Dr. Kenneth J. Howell sent to his University of Illinois "Introduction to...

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