The Name "Noam"

January 11, 2007
Noam Scheiber of The New Republic has written a smart, long profile of Senator Sam Brownback, the most conservative...

Consulting Jews?

January 11, 2007
Daniel S. Brenner: The marketing of the marketing of Judaism.


January 11, 2007
Sharlet: File this under "roads not taken": In Total Cold War: Eisenhower's Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad...

What's Up with Radio?

January 10, 2007
Greenfield: Christianity Today had an interesting idea to do a four-part series on the current and future state of...

Prophetic Preaching

January 10, 2007
Greenfield: Where have all the prophets gone? That’s what Baptist preacher Marvin McMickle asks in his new book which...

24 Hour Prayer People

January 9, 2007
Greenfield: CBN reports on the increasing popularity of the 24/7 prayer movement — an international and interdenominational movement dedicated...

The Late Night Show

January 3, 2007
Nicole Greenfield: In an article in today’s New York Times, Salman Masood writes about an eccentricity currently dominating Pakistani...

Read the Fine Print

January 2, 2007
The Boston Globe‘s Drake Bennett may be misstating the case when it describes the early Church of Latter Day...

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