Biblical Objectivity

February 20, 2006
20 February 2006 Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of the evangelical World Magazine and author of Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of the American...

Hollywood Houses of God

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 When is a house of God a by-the-books house of worship? A federal lawsuit brought by the...

Season's Ratings

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 XXtreme Religion Reporting!! For anyone who thinks Christianity is most comprehensively represented by a Scottish Geraldo...

Christian Iran

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 The Church of England Newspaper investigates reports of abuses of Iranian Christians, who have lately been subject...

Cal Thomas's Revelations

February 16, 2006
16 February 2006 When it comes to evangelical activism about the environment, vastly syndicated columnist and Fox News host,...

Church of Scouting

February 16, 2006
16 February 2006 An appellate court case in California is currently underway to determine whether the Boy Scouts of...

33 11

February 16, 2006
16 February 2006 “When they finally executed Gacy, I must admit to totally losing it for several weeks both...

Wall Street Shamans

February 13, 2006
13 February 2006 The Washington Post’s Laura Blumenfeld visits a New York CEO-turned Virgin Islands shaman and finds a crowd...

Old Time Evolution

February 13, 2006
13 February 2006 As far as media coverage and attracting the invaluable ire of one’s opponents is concerned,Evolution Sunday was...

Air Force Friends

February 13, 2006
13 February 2006 What’s the proper balance between the two constitutional references to church-state relations? If you ask Ted...

Disowning Fred Phelps

February 9, 2006
09 February 2006 As military families and those seeking to curry their favor gear up to fight the attention-starved...

EU Press Code

February 9, 2006
09 February 2006 The E.U. commissioner for justice, freedom and security, Franco Frattini, yesterday announced plans for a media code...

Culture Cringe

February 8, 2006
08 February 2006 The BBC’s otherwise invaluable digest on Religion and Ethics has been accused of having an “evident cultural cringe,” when...

The World is Mine

February 8, 2006
08 February 2006 “I’ve got a Mercedes, my wife has a Mercedes, my daughter has a Mercedes. It all...

Caterpillar Divestment

February 7, 2006
07 February 2006 The Church of England’s general synod, backed by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, has voted to disinvest from...

Free Blasphemy

February 7, 2006
07 February 2006 Just days after the British parliament dealt a blow to the “Racial and Religious Hatred Bill,”...

Death Squad Morality

February 7, 2006
07 February 2006 The New York Times’ Benedict Carey reports on the innate human capacity for “moral disengagement,” an adaptable...

Megachurches Today

February 6, 2006
06 February 2006 A new report written by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, Leadership Network, “Megachurches Today 2005,”...

Proselytize, Evangelize

February 6, 2006
06 February 2006 Attorneys defending the Air Force against charges of religious discrimination at the Colorado Springs Air Force...

Political Cartoon

February 6, 2006
06 February 2006 Juan Cole takes a sober look at the Mohammad cartoon crisis, which led this weekend to the burning of...

The Revolution That Wasn't

February 3, 2006
03 February 2006 A short year and a half after the first hopeful buzz surrounded the National Association of...


February 3, 2006
03 February 2006 Joe Feuerherd of the National Catholic Reporter, always astute at following the money trail, investigates the John...

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