The Perceived Threat

November 16, 2006
Blaire Molitor:It appears there is no greater transgression in America than atheism. In his article for U.S. News &...

The Gallery of Fallen Leaders

November 14, 2006
Nicole Greenfield: In an attempt to bring some kind of normalcy to Ted Haggard's fall, Beliefnet has put together...

A New Atheism?

November 10, 2006
Cliff Helm:A recent package of articles from Wired explores the philosophy of the intellectual movement known as New Atheism....

There's Something About Muslims

November 9, 2006
Bridget Purcell: "There must be something about the Jews; they upset me physically." This is how Sartre summarized...

The Harder They Fall

November 9, 2006
Jonathan Ebel and Anthea Butler, historians of American religion, review the week in God, XXX edition (starring Rush Limbaugh and...

The Bimo Records

November 8, 2006
Join Center for Religion and Media co-director Angela Zito this Saturday, November 11, at the American Museum of Natural...

Foreigner's Gifts to Afghanistan*

November 7, 2006
Abubakar Siddique: Five years after the October 7, 2001 US-led military coalition attack on the Taliban and the al-Qaida...

The Times Misses Again

November 6, 2006
Rhea Saran: In the midst of heated debate about whether practicing Muslim women should be allowed to wear full...

An Eruv Runs Through It

November 6, 2006
Joshua Francis: The construction of an eruv is stirring some controversy in several West Los Angeles beach communities, according...

Haggard's Downfall

November 2, 2006
Jeff Sharlet: I was relaxing this afternoon, watching an episode of Big Love, the HBO series starring Bill Paxton...

Election Polemics

November 2, 2006
Markus Dressler on Congressman Peter King's Sufi connection to anti-Islamic bigotry.

Faithful Politics

October 31, 2006
Lilly Fowler: In Salon this week, Michael Scherer has a piece on a Democrat

Last Season's Fashions

October 27, 2006
Lamar Clarkson: Church services are full of refrains. So are commercials. Another institution given to chanting is the New York...

Dawkins in the Hot Seat

October 27, 2006
Cameron Bird: Writing in this week's New York Times Book Review, Jim Holt takes on Richard Dawkins's The God...

A Dangerous Precedent

October 26, 2006
Rabia Mughal: A news story in the British paper Daily Mail last week revealed that teaching assistant Ayesha...

Reporting the Bigger Factor

October 18, 2006
Rhea Saran: The half-hour PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly program that airs on Saturday morning was fairly predictable in...

Y-Love Supreme

October 18, 2006
Jacob Dorman: They threw the third annual Jewzapalooza Sunday, September 17 at the scratch of grass where 72nd Street...

Selling Coke to Muslims

October 16, 2006
Blaire Molitor:A recent Fox News report attempts to convince readers that Muslim-themed products mimicing icons of American popular culture...

Mabrouk to the Times

October 11, 2006
Bridget Purcell: Mabrouk to the New York Times, which ran two pieces yesterday providing a rare glimpse of...

For Sale Sign Saint

October 10, 2006
Christine Hasircoglu: According to a recent Nightline internet broadcast, Saint Joseph is no longer just the foster father of...

All Eyes On Dobson

October 9, 2006
Nicole Greenfield: In the wake of the Foley scandal, all eyes -- both liberal and conservative -- turned to...

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