My Secret War

February 14, 2007
Jeff Sharlet: Alan Jacobs, a literature scholar at evangelical Wheaton College, did not like my recent Harper's essay,...

Revealer Plug Special

February 7, 2007
Upcoming events: Desecrations, screenings, nominations, new publications

Everybody Loves Jesus

February 1, 2007
Or, the unofficial lobbying fest known as the National Prayer Breakfast. By Jeff Sharlet.

Through a Glass, Darkly

January 31, 2007
What the Christian Right sees when it looks at American history. By Jeff Sharlet. Originally published in the December,...

Consulting Jews?

January 11, 2007
Daniel S. Brenner: The marketing of the marketing of Judaism.

Inside Christian Embassy

December 23, 2006
Sharlet: An exclusive interview with the chief of staff of Christian Embassy, the behind-the-scenes ministry in the news for...

Something Other Than Saintliness

December 14, 2006
Sharlet: Matthew Teague's "The Aftermath," an account of the days following the October 2nd shooting of five Amish...

Kristof's Big Hitch

December 13, 2006
Rhea Saran: Let me say, right off the bat, that I respect New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and...

Salvation in Uncertainty

December 11, 2006
Evie Nagy: This week in the BBC News Magazine, former Anglican priest Mark Vernon writes about the need...

Mitt Romney's Underwear

December 10, 2006
Daniel Sorrell: In 1994 Bill Clinton was asked on MTV if he wore boxers or briefs. At the...

Don't Ask, Don't Talmud

December 6, 2006
Josh Francis: According to the Los Angeles Times, an international rabbinical council may reconsider its bans on gay rabbis...

Atari Apocalypse

December 3, 2006
Clifford Helm: Based on the bestselling Left Behind series, the new video game company Left Behind Games released its...

Thinking Outside the Brain

December 3, 2006
Cameron Bird: For every individual engaged in the age-old struggle to reconcile naturalism and supernaturalism, struggle no more. Buddhist...

A Merge of Civilizations?

December 2, 2006
Christina Huh: Pope Benedict XVI seems an unlikely candidate to bridge the gap between Catholics and Muslims. He is...

A Variation on Old Themes

November 28, 2006
Nora Connor: The midterm elections in the U.S. weren't the only ones loaded with the rhetoric of faith,...

Red State Revealer Radio

November 26, 2006
Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet will be discussing his December Harper's essay "Through a Glass, Darkly: How the Christian Right...

Madonna on the Cross, Again

November 26, 2006
S. Brent Plate: Madonna is on the cross again. Though if you were one of the millions with nothing...

Parsing the Veil

November 25, 2006
Christina Huh:In the midst of the battle over Muslim head coverings

Forgetting the Religion

November 20, 2006
Nicole Greenfield: The Washington Post completely missed the religion part of a religion story published in today's paper.

NYT, Speaking in Tongues

November 17, 2006
Jacqueline Schneider: For those who know little about science but love being the expert on everything, The New York...

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