Submersion Journalism

September 16, 2008
Upcoming events: Submersion Journalism, Ten Minutes of Palinology.

The Audacity of Compromise

September 9, 2008
The press played Obama's convention speech as MLK's dream fulfilled. A careful reading reveals the dream deferred. Obama's theological...

Sarah Palin's Hard Rain

September 7, 2008
Leftist and liberal bloggers have been raising questions about possible connections between Sarah Palin's churches and a fundamentalist charismatic...

Blood Runs Thick

September 5, 2008
Sharlet: Little did I know that my recent book, The Family, was a sort of sequel to Upton Sinclair's...

A Miraculous "Mémoire"

August 25, 2008
''If you read a lot of Holocaust literature, all survivor stories are miraculous," says Jane Daniel, publisher of yet...

A Biology Teacher Evolves

August 23, 2008
Why didn't anyone think of this before? NYT Pulitzer Prize winning science reporter Amy Harmon follows evolution into a...

Art News

August 20, 2008
Meanwhile, news of why Chinese authorities arrested NYC graffitti artist James Powderly in Beijing: this electric banner. Brought...

The 'F' Word

June 14, 2008
What Rick Warren, a founder of modern advertising, and the dirtiest word in politics don't have in common. Adapted...

Bomb Throwers and Hall Monitors

June 4, 2008
Sharlet: Mark Silk, an eminent scholar of religion, politics, and journalism, takes issue with my Casting Stones post...

Obama's Exorcism

June 3, 2008
It looks like it's the end of the line for Clinton and the beginning of a new battle for...

The Rebellion Within

May 31, 2008
"The Rebellion Within," Lawrence Wright's long New Yorker account of theological rifts between leading Islamist militants, defies easy summary....

Down Under, I'm Not Angry

May 30, 2008
"Sharlet is not an angry liberal and the tone of the book is balanced, reasonable and often good humoured."...

The Family Radio Hour

May 29, 2008
Sharlet: I've been cruising the airwaves to promote my new book, The Family, talking with a lot of great...

The Last Word

May 28, 2008
One of the few advantages of maintaining a blog about media and religion is that when a media heavyweight...

The Family

May 27, 2008
An excerpt from The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Harper), by Jeff Sharlet: He wandered...

John Hagee: Jews Have Dead Souls

May 15, 2008
Bruce Wilson's discovery of McCain endorser John Hagee's anti-Semitic rantings is a brilliant example of what bloggers are capable...

Not My Family

May 14, 2008
Diane Winston on The Family: "This book deserves to be read by every and any journalist. It's a primer...

Hillary's Third Way

May 10, 2008
Adapted from "Interesting Blood" in The Family for The New Republic.

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