Amazon Queen or Prince of Peace

January 6, 2005
A proposed statue of Califia, the mythical Amazon queen and namesake for the state of California, seems a likely...

Freedom to Choose Motherhood?

January 5, 2005
Judge Marilyn O’Connor of Rochester, NY, has ordered a second drug-addicted mother not to have any more children until...

Pakistani Code Revised

January 5, 2005
President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has signed a bill amending the criminal code of Pakistan to make honor killings a...

Open Letter to Gonzales

January 5, 2005
225 Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh leaders, organized by Church Folks for a Better America, have written an open...

Westboro at Home

January 5, 2005
Oh, there are only so many euphemisms you can use for “media-whore.” Today, how about “the promiscuous attention-seekers” at...

Holy Sweepstakes!

January 5, 2005
Think and Reason is offering a million dollars to anyone who can prove that God exists. Guidelines: Proof by...

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