Party Like It's 2006

March 29, 2005
End-Times Update (U.S. only): After analyzing and interpreting various Koranic verses, Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi has published a study currently circulating...

Status Quo'd by The Da Vinci Code

March 28, 2005
In spirit of the holiday, Maureen Dowd tries to find common ground between Da Vinci author Dan Brown and Da Vinci judge Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who recently...

It's No Piss-Christ

March 28, 2005
A Moscow art exhibit entitled “Beware of Religion” has been deemed “insulting” and “overtly provocative” by a district court,...

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest

March 25, 2005
There is no shortage of foolish rhetoric clamoring for the attention of poor Terri Schiavo, from both the self-declared...

Old News

March 23, 2005
Kate Hawley: News flash: Christian holidays have pagan roots. A wide-eyed report from Agence-France Presse tells us it "seems...

A Heretic's Zoology

March 22, 2005
Everyone’s a blasphemer these days, including Rabbi Nosson Slifkin, an ultra-Orthodox Israeli scholar and Talmudic zoologist who has written...

Certainly, He Said

March 20, 2005
“Despite, or perhaps because of, the lack of historical fact about his motivations, Judas remains a fascination. ‘Certain traditions...

Buddha Born Again, Killed

March 18, 2005
–Jeff Sharlet — “cheaper than church,” “paved with good intentions,” “Allah in the family,” “god for the godless” —...

NYT: "Seen By Some As A Cult"

March 15, 2005
Wisconsin police are focusing on the role of religion in Terry Ratzmann’s murderous attack on his own church, reports The...

I'm Too Sexy For My Celibacy

March 13, 2005
Chastity is all the rage: NYT‘s Alex Williams falls all over chastity crusader Lauren F. Winner and her new book, Real Sex, in the paper’s Fashion...


March 12, 2005
“Mary, an unstable mystic, masturbates with holy ardor, turning a prayer — ‘Come, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me’...

My Radio, My God

March 10, 2005
Lisa Anderson: "I haven't introduced myself to the KRCC staff as Lisa the Christian. And I thought that was...

Slaughterhouse Story

March 9, 2005
What a pleasure to read a story about Islam that has nothing to do with “the war on terror.” Andrea...

They're Up, They're Down

March 4, 2005
A short month and a half after reports that atheists were poised to take over the world — err, a mid-sized...

From the Standpoint of Grace

March 2, 2005
Chris Lehmann: From Housekeeping to Gilead, Marilynne Robinson has always been exploring what counts as genuine faith.

WCC Judge's Relatives Killed

March 1, 2005
Joan Humphrey Lefkow, the U.S. District Judge once allegedly targeted for murder by Matthew Hale after she ruled that...

AIO's Red Pill

March 1, 2005
The attorneys involved in the dispute between the University of North Carolina and an evangelical Christian fraternity at the...

The Faith of a Killer

February 26, 2005
Sharlet: CNN headlines the fact that Dennis Rader, the just-arrested, alleged “BTK” serial killer of Wichita, Kansas, conforms to...

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