True Religion: Not Just Jeans

October 14, 2010
Elissa Lerner: A new study by business and management professors at Duke, NYU and Tel Aviv University analyzes...

O Come All Ye Gleeful

October 6, 2010
Elissa Lerner: Whoa gang, who saw last night's episode of Glee? Although it wasn't exactly groundbreaking, it certainly...

Who Remembers McCarthy?

September 25, 2010
Becky Garrison: Over at Killing the Buddha, Garrett Baer addresses the current controversy over Park51 by raising the...

Sharlet on NPR

September 25, 2010
Read the entire transcript of Jeff Sharlet's appearance on NPR last week here.

Marketing Mormons

September 25, 2010
The Revealer's own Ann Pellegrini, professor of religious and performance studies at NYU, talked to Fox News' Lauren...

The Roots of Racism

September 25, 2010
Rachel Sladja at Talking Points Memo has a good piece up about the roots of all the recent...

The Amish Get a Graph

September 15, 2010
Finally! Amish populations, and their recent migration westward for affordable land, got USA Today's graphics department busy....

Shari'ah: The New Communism

September 15, 2010
An "expose" on how Shari'ah is threatening America is now out from The Center for Security Policy,...

What Makes Ground Zero Holy?

September 11, 2010
We've been wondering what makes the site of the 9/11 attacks "holy ground."  Michael Daly takes this saccharine...

Mormons are People Too

September 6, 2010
Amidst accusations that they're clearing the way for another Mitt Romney presidential campaign, the Church of Jesus Christ...

Our Failed Democratic Experiment

September 6, 2010
Democracy?  Meh.  We gave it a shot and look what we got:  legalized abortion, gay marriage and welfare.  Time...

Sharia Creeps in England

August 28, 2010
More than 700 protesters gathered and clashed with riot police in Bradford, England today, the home of a...


August 28, 2010
More young people in Turkey are getting tattoos... of the "founder" of secular Turkey,  Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.  Writes Liz...

God-Led Government

August 25, 2010
Catch The Revealer founder, Jeff Sharlet, talking about his new book, C Street, on NPR's "Fresh Air" today.  Among...

What is Sacred Ground?

August 16, 2010
Never ones to let a potential controversy get past them (today's cover headline reads, "Scarlett [Johanson] may be getting...

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