Green Dragon Gonna Get You

November 29, 2010
A new series that's intended to wipe away all your tree-hugging tendencies and enlighten you to the evils of...

Coming Into Existence

November 28, 2010
Yesterday the Pope followed up his condoms revelation with a more predictable point, one that emphasizes existing Catholic...

Believing in Contraception

November 23, 2010
An excerpt from today's announcement by a coalition of pro-choice and anti-abortion faith leaders, urging the Institute of Medicine...

Ugandan Genocide, On Schedule

November 19, 2010
The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill, also known as the "kill the gays" bill, never went away.  We were just...

Timothy Dolan Reader

November 19, 2010
A lot of commentary is stacking up about this week's upset appointment of New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan to...

You Got a Hole in Your Stigmata

November 17, 2010
David Metcalfe points us to this video game, Christ Killa.  Beyond the obvious, I'm puzzled by the accents of...

Anglicans Jumping Ship

November 16, 2010
Chris Armstrong writes at his blog, Grateful to the Dead: Any headline involving the words “Oxford professor” (turns out...

The USCCB Votes

November 16, 2010
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will vote on a new General Secretary this week during their Annual...

If It Looks Muslim...

November 16, 2010
A case of mistaken identity! An Arizona congregation of 800 has been saving for years to build a...

Captive Audience

November 13, 2010
In my inbox today is a press release from Mel and Annie Goebel, founders of Daughters of Destiny,...

80 Million Chinese Bibles

November 10, 2010
One quarter of all the bibles in the world were printed in China, with the government's support.  Can...

Skyping Prayer, Despite Warfare

November 8, 2010
Generals International, the foundation started by Cindy Jacobs who hears the voice of God and shares his word,...

The Third Baptism

November 8, 2010
Sarah Sentilles writes at Religion Dispatches today that Trevor Case's alleged waterboarding of his girlfriend is unsurprising...

Bad Faith Awards, 2010

November 4, 2010
If you didn't make it by the polls on Tuesday (I was sick in bed, thank you very much)...


November 4, 2010
Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition is enjoying the fruits of a successful midterm election, claiming the Tea...

Inflating or Deflating Beck?

October 29, 2010
Becky Garrison: In her article for Washington Post's On Faith blog about Glenn Beck and the Comedy Central rallies this weekend, Jennifer Butler neglects...

Bart in Rome

October 27, 2010
Ashley Baxstrom: The Simpsons are now officially a little holier-than-thou.  Last Sunday's L'Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican newspaper, claimed the...

The Tea Party Finds Newt's God

October 27, 2010
This week Digby wondered if Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is making a move to appear more...

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