
My Catholic Conscience

April 7, 2011
We've been here before. And no, it didn't work then either. by Jon O'Brien Like others, I am deeply concerned...

Inspired, Yes, but Divinely?

April 5, 2011
A review of Jesse Bering’s The Belief Instinct: The Psychology of Souls, Destiny, and the Meaning of Life by Clint...

April 4, 2011
States of Devotion, a publication of NYU's Hemispheric Institute edited by Ann Pellegrini, has a new "dossier" of articles...

Incitement Double Standards

April 3, 2011
by Matthew Berkman This article is reposted in whole from Foreign Policy.  The original article can be found here. This...

Creating Shari'ah Panic

March 31, 2011
As Adam Sewer of WaPo writes, a new report by The Center for American Progress debunks anti-shari'ah rhetoric....

Allah's Name

March 29, 2011
Zeinab Yusuf Saiwalla: In Muslim majority Malaysia, the government recently refused to allow the distribution of tens of thousands...

Scientology Porn

March 27, 2011
One hardly knows what to say about Emily Anne Epstein's very brief article and photo series in last week's...

Israel's Fan in Hollywood

March 27, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor, who died this week at the age of 79, was an ardent friend and supporter of...

The Duty of Ritual Obeisance

March 27, 2011
From Lewis Lapham's introduction to the Celebrity issue of Latham's Quarterly (Winter 2011, p. 16): In place of the gods...

Tolerance Makes Kids Gay

March 27, 2011
"Tolerance" is considered a general good, an aspirational goal that, when done right, ameliorates violence and promotes understanding.  But...

Is Apple a Religion?

March 24, 2011
Minyanville asks The Revealer's publisher, Angela Zito, what she thinks.  Watch here.

Organizing Democracy

March 18, 2011
An excerpt from Blessed are the Organized: Grassroots Democracy in America, (Princeton University Press, 2010), edited slightly for...

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