Cracker Barrel Exclusive

March 7, 2011
Kenny Rogers released a new album of his favorite gospel songs, "The Love of God," on Monday. "The trick...

Listening, with Monks

March 7, 2011
Abby Ohlheiser: Of Gods and Men (122 minutes, 2010), a new film by Xavier Beauvois, opened last Friday in...

Much Love to You Always, Dorothy

March 7, 2011
All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day; Marquette University Press (2011), $35 Reviewed by Jack Downey The...

Muslims Get Their Own Prisons

March 5, 2011
John Dillingham at The Scoop writes about a recent NPR report that exposes secretive Communications Management Units --...

Two Sides to Prejudice?

March 5, 2011
Last Wednesday the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released a weeks-old video of an incident that took place...

Terri Schiavo Goes to NASCAR

March 5, 2011
The Revealer's founding editor, Jeff Sharlet, wrote in our mission statement in 2003, "Belief matters, whether or not...

Congratulations Revealer Alum!

March 5, 2011
Of the seven recipients of the 2011 Knight Luce Fellowship for Reporting on Global Religion, two have spent time at...

This is the Model?

March 3, 2011
This week the Rev. Peter J. Gomes died.  He was 68.  In him were often gracefully reconciled disparate identities:...

Jewish Pride

March 3, 2011
Declared love for Hitler by fashion designer John Galliano has made Natalie Portman say that she is an individual...

God's Labor in Wisconsin

February 23, 2011
Becky Garrison (who writes for The Revealer sometimes) looks at the outspokenness of a Wisconsin Catholic Bishop regarding...

Our Woman in Cairo

February 23, 2011
Yasmin Moll, a Ph.D. student in socio-cultural anthropology at NYU, has been our woman in Cairo, reporting what she...

Mormon Broadway

February 17, 2011
So Andrew Sullivan got to see a dress rehearsal for "The Book of Mormon."  And he liked it.

Assessing the Culture Warriors

February 17, 2011
From Tim Muldoon's article at WaPo's On Faith blog, "Faltering and Leading: The Conservative Moment," in which Muldoon...

Mainstreaming Conservatism

February 16, 2011
Kristina Loew: From movies to music, conservative voices have cornered the tween scene, that 12 - 13 year old...

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