Faith and Trust

May 10, 2010
The nomination of Elana Kagan to the Supreme Court has a few progressive commentators rightly chattering over the...

Believing in Prison

May 7, 2010
On May 1, our sister site, Killing the Buddha, hosted an event in midtown NYC titled, "The Prison-Spirituality Complex."...

Gays Get One Tent

May 7, 2010
Mary Valle: O. Kay Henderson at Radio Iowa reports that a gay-marriage opposing state senator Merlin Bartz...

Leave It To The Amish

May 5, 2010
Ok, conservatives can hate the Amish all they want for their exemption from the health care mandate. ...

Limits to Religious Liberty?

May 5, 2010
The Washington Post's On Faith blog has a roundtable of posts on the limits to religious liberty, by...

Scared Saved

May 5, 2010
Howard M. Friedman at Religion Clause notes that Americans United for the Separation of Church and...

Halal Kazakhstan

May 5, 2010
When part of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan's Muslims were forced to hide their faith or practice a state-sanctioned version...

Penetrating the Lostness!

May 5, 2010
Baptist leaders are worried. Baptism, a "ritual immersion" that, according to some, makes one saved -- and Baptist...

Election Time, Philippines

May 5, 2010
Despite constitutional separation of church and state, next week's presidential election is keeping many Filipino church leaders very...

Queer Music

May 4, 2010
Two music stars have recently announced that they are lesbians: today Audrey Bilger at Ms. Magazine writes...

Buy Christian

May 4, 2010
You've got to put your God-given capital somewhere! A new index fund has been established for those with...

The Meaning of Relics

May 4, 2010
If the Pope says it's real... Pope Benedict XVI has declared the Shroud of Turin authentic. Writes Chris...

Call it Research

May 4, 2010
Family Research Council founder and National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH, committed to finding...

When is a Cross a Cross?

May 4, 2010
That is the question Stanley Fish at The New York Times asks when summarizing the Salazar v....

Erik Prince's Crusade

May 4, 2010
Speaking of Blackwater, Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army and...

What Would Jefferson Do?

May 4, 2010
Journalist and director of USC's Annenberg Digital News, Marc Cooper, makes a case in today's LA Times...

Debating Heaven

May 4, 2010
Uganda's parliament will soon vote on the so-called "Kill the Gays" bill which originally called for the death penalty...

Britain is a Christian Nation.

May 4, 2010
Richard Bartholomew at Talk to Action looks across the pond to the increasing connections between conservative British politicians...

It's In the Dictionary

May 3, 2010
The Revealer and Killing the Buddha contributor Mary Valle has been keeping us abreast of the developments...

The Longevity Loophole

May 3, 2010
We've seen how, in general, great crimes can go unpunlshed (a la George Monbiot) far more easily than...

Everybody's a Critic

April 30, 2010
Conservative Australian columnist, Cliff Kincaid, warns that the American people should be paying attention to the Catholic Church's

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