Scared Saved

Published on May 5, 2010

Howard M. Friedman at Religion Clause notes that Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has announced a letter they presented to the Nebraska-based Todd Becker Foundation, an organization that offers presentations to high schools on the horrors of drunken driving. What's so bad about telling teens to stay sober or away from the wheel? Here's the foundation's description of what they do:

Howard M. Friedman at Religion Clause notes that Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has announced a letter they presented to the Nebraska-based Todd Becker Foundation, an organization that offers presentations to high schools on the horrors of drunken driving.  What’s so bad about telling teens to stay sober or away from the wheel?  Here’s the foundation’s description of what they do:

The Todd Becker Foundation travels throughout Nebraska and gives an assembly presentation to public high schools.  The assembly unfolds the tragic and life-changing choices that ultimately led to the death of Todd Becker.  Following the actual assembly, students who are impacted or are in need of help after hearing the powerful message are then, one-on-one, shown the truth of scriptures and presented the way of salvation through Jesus Christ.  We then provide the student with a Bible and other Christian resources and attempt to connect them to a local body of believers.

Tragic, life-changing, death, need of help…powerful, shown the truth, salvation, Jesus Christ.  Sounds like any alter call I’ve experienced at a tent revival or Rapture movie screening.  But in public school?

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