The Chinese Church

May 13, 2011
The Christian Century reports that China's Minister of State Administration for Religious Affairs, Wang Zuo'an, is in...

38 Years

January 22, 2011
My naive questions on this anniversary of Roe v. Wade are: Why, when organized anti-abortion groups are predominantly evangelical/fundamentalist/orthodox...

Science, the State Religion

July 26, 2010
Young-earth creationist and founder of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, is taking the Smithsonian's Natural Museum of Natural...

Missing: Mojave Cross

May 11, 2010
Yup. The same one that the Supreme Court just said in Salazar v. Buono was constitutional....

Scared Saved

May 5, 2010
Howard M. Friedman at Religion Clause notes that Americans United for the Separation of Church and...

Everybody's a Critic

April 30, 2010
Conservative Australian columnist, Cliff Kincaid, warns that the American people should be paying attention to the Catholic Church's

Salazar v. Buono

April 29, 2010
In a 5 to 4 decision yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that a cross erected in the Mojave desert...

Christian Nation, Again

April 20, 2010
What does Sarah Palin mean when she says, as she adamantly did last week at a Women...

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