Bart in Rome

October 27, 2010
Ashley Baxstrom: The Simpsons are now officially a little holier-than-thou.  Last Sunday's L'Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican newspaper, claimed the...

Our Failed Democratic Experiment

September 6, 2010
Democracy?  Meh.  We gave it a shot and look what we got:  legalized abortion, gay marriage and welfare.  Time...

Stuff to Do, Updated

July 2, 2010
Mary Valle: We here at The Revealer were wondering just who was the "American who taught that Catholics could dissent...

A Threat to Catholic Unity

June 9, 2010
In the June 18th issue of the Catholic publication Commonweal, the magazine's editors address a recent "remarkably defensive" letter...

The Church Is A Lady

May 31, 2010
Mary Valle: Paul Vitello reports in the New York Times about the new, invasive screening of prospective priests,...

Insidious and Dangerous

May 18, 2010
Mary Valle: There's a battle of miter-wearers today in the HuffPost. In one corner, we have Mary Glasspool,...

Pope Suffers On Tour

May 13, 2010
Mary Valle: Pope Benedict recently touched down at the shrine at Fatima, where the Virgin Mary appeared to...

The Longevity Loophole

May 3, 2010
We've seen how, in general, great crimes can go unpunlshed (a la George Monbiot) far more easily than...

Everybody's a Critic

April 30, 2010
Conservative Australian columnist, Cliff Kincaid, warns that the American people should be paying attention to the Catholic Church's

Getting Pre-Modern.

April 26, 2010
Ah, the simpler times. When mass was in Latin, pedophilia was not spoken of, and suffering brought cries for...

Stay Classy, Catholics!

April 26, 2010
Mary Valle: Thank G-d Benjamin Weiner discusses the Catholic Church's "playing" of the "Jew" today at Religion Dispatches:...

The Empire Contracts.

April 15, 2010
Mary Valle:  Listeners to commercial broadcast radio in Baltimore may have been surprised in the past month to hear an earnest,...

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