The God Vote Gets Tricky

October 30, 2004
Jeff Sharlet in The Dallas Morning News: “Red and blue states? Sorry, but it’s not that black and white.” “While there are indeed...

29 October 2004 Daily Links

October 29, 2004
Jeff Sharlet in The Dallas Morning News: “Red and blue states? Sorry, but it’s not that black and white.” “While there are indeed...

Corporate Religion

October 29, 2004
Corporate Religion 29 October 2004 A Christian school in Michigan, Cornerstone University, is creating a religion-based MBA program that...

Boykin Reprimanded

October 29, 2004
Boykin Reprimanded 29 October 2004 The U.S. Army has taken unspecified, but in their words “insignificant,” action against Lt....

Deepening the Divide

October 29, 2004
Deepening the Divide 29 October 2004 Shortly after the Lambeth Commission report attempting to resolve the Anglican church divide,...

Sorry, Witches

October 29, 2004
Sorry, Witches 29 October 2004 “More than 3,500 Scots, mainly woman and children, and their cats were killed in...

Don't Forget Poland....

October 29, 2004
Don’t Forget Poland… 29 October 2004 Nathaniel Popper of The Forward reports that Kerry has accused Bush of “‘dragging...

28 October Daily Links

October 28, 2004
What are you going to dress up as for “Demonic Spirit Day”? That’s what some evangelicals are calling Halloween...

The Dour Scout Leads the Way

October 28, 2004
The Dour Scot Leads the Way 28 October 2004 What’s the flavor of Bush’s much-touted optimism? Robert Wright, writing...

Values for Coexistence

October 28, 2004
Values for Coexistence 28 October 2004 Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Vatican’s permanent observer to the United Nations, addressed the...

Ruling on Faith-Based Initiatives

October 28, 2004
Ruling on Faith-Based Initiatives 28 October 2004 A federal judge in Montana has ruled that Montana State University must...

Virulent, Sadistic, Fascistic Fury

October 28, 2004
Virulent, Sadistic, Fascistic Fury 28 October 2004 Little Green Footballs fans have been writing en masse for two days to...

Reformation Redux

October 28, 2004
Reformation Redux 28 October 2004 Diarmaid MacCullough, an Oxford historian who’s one of the preeminent scholars of the Reformation,...

Oy, Halloween

October 28, 2004
Oy, Halloween 28 October 2004 What are you going to dress up as for “Demonic Spirit Day”? That’s what...

Da Vinci Tourist Trap

October 27, 2004
Da Vinci Tourist Trap 27 October 2004 “‘They set off explosions at all hours and climb over the cemetery...

Little Green Footballs

October 27, 2004
Little Green Footballs 27 October 2004 EDITORIAL Jeff Sharlet: The Revealer made a mistake. Writing for our “Today” column a few days...

Little Green Footballs

October 27, 2004
Little Green Footballs 27 October 2004 EDITORIAL Jeff Sharlet: The Revealer made a mistake. Writing for our “Today” column a few days...

A Bush-Religion Book for Each Side

October 27, 2004
A Bush-Religion Book for Each Side 27 October 2004 Religion-themed, election week books for all! Darrell Turner of the National Catholic Reporter reviews...

Not All God's Men Are Simple

October 27, 2004
Not All God’s Men Are Simple 27 October 2004 “If Bush is incurious, it’s not God’s fault.” Beliefnet editor Steve Waldman, writing...

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