You Must Draw a Long Bead to Shoot a Fish

Published on June 16, 2006

Jeff Sharlet: "I've a letter demanding an answer. It's from my friend Sue, who has gone home to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to watch her father die. He is, or maybe now was, a self-made millionaire, a maverick Mennonite, a builder of hard, bony houses, and a shooter of animals on land and in water, which is saying something, since you must draw a long bead to shoot a fish." More at Killing the Buddha, excerpted from Revealer contributor Laurel Snyder's new anthology, Half/Life: Jew-Ish Tales from Interfaith Homes.

Jeff Sharlet: “I’ve a letter demanding an answer. It’s from my friend Sue, who has gone home to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to watch her father die. He is, or maybe now was, a self-made millionaire, a maverick Mennonite, a builder of hard, bony houses, and a shooter of animals on land and in water, which is saying something, since you must draw a long bead to shoot a fish.” More at Killing the Buddha, excerpted from Revealer contributor Laurel Snyder’s new anthology, Half/Life: Jew-Ish Tales from Interfaith Homes.

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