Yes, But Is It Family Friendly Sex and Violence?

Published on July 27, 2004

Amy Wellborn, creator of a smart, popular Catholic blog called Open Book, wants to go to the movies. So she asks her readers what’s the word on Napolean Dynamite — i.e., is it funny, is it “clean”? Her readers’ responses provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of moralistic movie critics. It’s hardly news that plenty of folks […]

Amy Wellborn, creator of a smart, popular Catholic blog called Open Book, wants to go to the movies. So she asks her readers what’s the word on Napolean Dynamite — i.e., is it funny, is it “clean”? Her readers’ responses provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of moralistic movie critics. It’s hardly news that plenty of folks don’t want to see movies that are offensive, but we found the depth of their analysis intriguing. Sex and violence and drugs are out, of course, but also of concern are “Disrespectful/Bad Attitudes” and “Tense Family Scenes.” Read more atOpen Book, and follow the links into the nuanced world of family-friendly viewing.

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