While You Wait

Published on May 25, 2004

Designer Betsy Vardell and The Revealer‘s editors are busy preparing a makeover that’ll make the site more comprehensive, easier to navigate, and prettier. It’s already begun — hit refresh a few times to see the photographs of press buildings mixed into our slideshow in the upper right corner. Much, much more to come. In the meantime, […]

Designer Betsy Vardell and The Revealer‘s editors are busy preparing a makeover that’ll make the site more comprehensive, easier to navigate, and prettier. It’s already begun — hit refresh a few times to see the photographs of press buildings mixed into our slideshow in the upper right corner. Much, much more to come. In the meantime, a collection of short links:

“Why Don’t Journalists Get Religion?” Peter Steinfels, Laurie Goodstein, Diane Winston, andRevealer editor Jeff Sharlet answer in Columbia Journalism Review.

Daniel Boyarin is an orthodox Jew and a queer theory academic star, a scholar of early Christianity and contemporary pop culture. In Boyarin’s new book, writes Zackary Sholem Berger in The Forward, his “appreciation of Judeo-Christian dialogue is tempered by the fear that Jews and Christians ‘understand each other in our worst selves.'” Read more….

Magic numbers: Washington Post ranks the 10 biggest Protestant churches in the U.S., four of which are in Texas.

Faith and Free Speech — Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet’s guest column in The Dallas Morning News.

Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet will speak today at 1 on a panel titled “Can the Internet Change the Way We Interact with Judaism?” The panel is part of an annual conference for Jewish student journalists, sponsored by the magazine New Voices. The panel takes place at New York University’s Bronfman Center at 7 East 10th St. between 5th Ave and University Place. Co-panelists include Steven I. WeissDan Sieradski, and Jeff Jarvis.

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