Where's the Treasure?

Published on October 11, 2007

Mississippi gubenatorial candidate John Arthur Eaves ressurrects William Jennings Bryanwith his challenge to the state’s governor, wealthy former lobbyist Haley Barbour: “’Governor, just come clean, tell us where your treasure is,”” Mr. Eaves intoned in a preachery sing-song at last week’s debate,” writes Adam Nossiter in his NYT story on the race. What’s really odd is that […]

Mississippi gubenatorial candidate John Arthur Eaves ressurrects William Jennings Bryanwith his challenge to the state’s governor, wealthy former lobbyist Haley Barbour: “’Governor, just come clean, tell us where your treasure is,”” Mr. Eaves intoned in a preachery sing-song at last week’s debate,” writes Adam Nossiter in his NYT story on the race. What’s really odd is that Eaves, so Christian conservative that a leading fundamentalist activist says he’s “flummoxed” by the race, is the Democrat, while former RNC chair Barbour, Mr. Republican himself, is begging the public to vote based on policy, not piety. This is a pitch-perfect piece of counterintuitive daily journalism, an extreme case that reveals a Goddish trend in the Democratic Party.

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