Voice o' God

Published on April 20, 2005

Maureen Dowd fits a little bit of everything God-newsy into her Times column on the state of the Voice of God today: the image of stately Ted Koppel balking at covering “wet burka” contests; the VoG authority of old patriarch news anchors and old patriarch, well, patriarchs; the lunchtime implications of the election of Joseph […]

Maureen Dowd fits a little bit of everything God-newsy into her Times column on the state of the Voice of God today: the image of stately Ted Koppel balking at covering “wet burka” contests; the VoG authority of old patriarch news anchors and old patriarch, well, patriarchs; the lunchtime implications of the election of Joseph Ratzinger as pope for Cafeteria Catholics; the various Republican channelers of VoG, from Bush to Tom DeLay to Bill Frist’s anxiously-awaited debut in this week’s “Justice Sunday” testimony. But forget all that and get to the juicy part: Dick Durbin thinks God’s a girl.

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