There's No Longer an App for That

Published on December 2, 2010

This week Apple discontinued the Manhattan Project application, saying they received complaints about the views that it promoted -- opposition to abortion, non-traditional marriage and homosexuality.  The app is named for last year's Manhattan Declaration, a document that urged Christians of all denominations to come together "in defense of the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty." Chuck Colson, one of the authors of the declaration, and other prominent Christians voiced disapproval of Apple's cancellation.  Colson, reports CNN Belief Blog's Dan Gilgoff, said "If you have a public communications company, you have a responsibility to see that certain views are not suppressed. This is a dangerous thing to do in a free society."  A petition is now being circulated to reinstate the app.

This week Apple discontinued the Manhattan Project application, saying they received complaints about the views that it promoted — opposition to abortion, non-traditional marriage and homosexuality.  The app is named for last year’s Manhattan Declaration, a document that urged Christians of all denominations to come together “in defense of the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty.” Chuck Colson, one of the authors of the declaration, and other prominent Christians voiced disapproval of Apple’s cancellation.  Colson, reports CNN Belief Blog’s Dan Gilgoff, said “If you have a public communications company, you have a responsibility to see that certain views are not suppressed. This is a dangerous thing to do in a free society.”  A petition is now being circulated to reinstate the app.

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