The Vatican Sees Opportunity with Wiccans

Published on February 7, 2011

The UK’s Daily Mail reports that a Catholic publisher has put out a new book on how to convert Wiccans to Catholocism: The guide, published yesterday by the Catholic Truth Society, the UK publishers to the Holy See, was written by Elizabeth Dodd, a former Oxford Wiccan who converted to the Catholic faith. She said […]

The UK’s Daily Mail reports that a Catholic publisher has put out a new book on how to convert Wiccans to Catholocism:

The guide, published yesterday by the Catholic Truth Society, the UK publishers to the Holy See, was written by Elizabeth Dodd, a former Oxford Wiccan who converted to the Catholic faith.

She said nearly 70 per cent of Wicca practitioners are young women seeking some kind of spirituality.

Behind the glamour there were ‘grave dangers’ because of its link to the occult and the sinister movement championed by satanist Aleister Crowley, she said.

She added: ‘Recognition that Wiccans are on a genuine spiritual quest can provide the starting point for dialogue that may lead to their conversion.’

Some 7,000 of 31,000 neo-pagans identified themselves as Wiccans in the 2001 census but the figure is believed to be far higher.

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