The Stupidest Journalist in America

Published on June 6, 2006

Jeff Sharlet: In honor of 6/6/06, Ann Coulter unmasks me as... well, if not the anti-Christ, at least one of the stupidist journalists in America...

Jeff Sharlet: In honor of 6/6/06, Ann Coulter unmasks me as… well, if not the anti-Christ, at least one of the stupidist journalists in America. In her new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism — excerpted at — Coulter writes:

“The stupidest of their students become journalists, churning out illiterate attacks on dissidents from the liberal religion. Within a few weeks of each other in early 2006, both Rolling Stone and Newsweek magazines displayed their ignorance of Biblical passages cited during interviews. In a Rolling Stone interview, Republican senator Sam Brownback criticized countries like Sweden that had legalized gay marriage, quoting the line from Matthew “you shall know them by their fruits.”

“The interviewer, Jeff Sharlet, interpreted Brownback’s scriptural quotation as a homophobic slur. Soon gay groups were demanding an apology from the senator. (All I can say to that is: how niggardly of them.)”

Get it? “Niggardly”? Tee-hee-hee. See, Coulter understands that I was making fun of Brownback for accidentally using the word “fruits” with relation to gay Swedes, so she wittily responds by almost calling gay groups “niggers.” That Ann — she’s as funny as she’s good looking.

Anyway, as further proof of my demonic power, I actually responded to this bullshit way back in February, before Coulter’s book was even published. Suffice it to say: No, I did not interpret Brownback’s scriptural misquotation as a homophobic slur. But hell, if Ann says I’m wrong…

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