The Revealer Podcast Episode 53: Public School Secularization and Desegregation

by Editorial Staff
Published on December 12, 2024

What happened following Supreme Court decisions outlawing segregation and prayer in public schools, and their legacies today

What exactly happened following the Supreme Court’s decisions outlawing prayer and devotional Bible readings in public schools, as well as the outlawing of racial segregation? Leslie Beth Ribovich, author of Without a Prayer: Religion and Race in New York City Public Schools, joins us to discuss public school secularization and desegregation, and the legacies of these monumental Supreme Court decisions. How did religion continue to appear in public schools? How did communities of color put forth their own visions for how to educate children? And, given the many battles over public education today, how does this history shed light on the ongoing debates about what can be taught in America’s public schools right now?

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We hope you enjoy this episode of the Revealer podcast: “Public School Secularization and Desegregation.”

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