The Revealer Podcast Episode 39: The Spiritual Birthing Movement

by Editorial Staff
Published on September 6, 2023

Organizations and businesses that offer pregnant people what they aren’t getting from traditional medical settings or religious communities

What is the spiritual birthing movement? Ann Duncan, author of Sacred Pregnancy: Birth, Motherhood, and the Quest for Spiritual Community, joins us to discuss the organizations and businesses that imbue pregnancy with a sense of the sacred. What do these groups offer pregnant people that they aren’t finding in traditional medical settings or traditional religious communities? How do they use spirituality and rituals to help people going through pregnancy, parenting, and the loss of a child? And what does the presence of these companies reveal about social inequalities among pregnant people throughout the United States today?

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We hope you enjoy this episode of the Revealer podcast: “The Spiritual Birthing Movement.”

Happy listening!

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