The Revealer Podcast Episode 33: Jewish Comedy

by Editorial Staff
Published on March 7, 2023

How did American Jews develop a reputation as a funny people?

What is the connection between comedy and American Jews? Jennifer Caplan, author of Funny, You Don’t Look Funny: Judaism and Humor from the Silent Generation to Millennials, joins us to discuss the place of humor within American Jewish communities. How did Jews become disproportionately represented in comedy fields like standup and television writing? For what reasons have American Jews developed a reputation as a funny people? How has Jewish humor changed over time? And, as the image of American Jews continues to expand to include more people of color and queer people, how will Jewish humor change in the future?

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We hope you enjoy this episode of the Revealer podcast: Jewish Comedy.

Happy listening!

Issue: March 2023
Category: Podcast
Tags: podcast

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