The Revealer Podcast Episode 27: Catholic Horror

by Editorial Staff
Published on July 26, 2022

A discussion about Catholic horror on film, in literature, and in real life

What connections can be made between horror films and novels where Catholicism is prominent to actual horrors committed by the Catholic Church? Three experts of American Catholicism – Drs. Jack Downey, Matthew Cressler, and Kathleen Holscher – join us to discuss Catholic horror, both fictional and real. We explore why Catholicism has been such a popular source of inspiration for horror filmmakers and writers, what horror can reveal about contemporary society, and why examining horror can help us make sense of the clergy abuse crisis and other atrocities committed by the Catholic Church.

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We hope you enjoy this episode of the Revealer podcast: Catholic Horror.

Issue: Summer 2022
Category: Podcast
Tags: podcast

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