The Revealer Podcast Episode 26: Religion and Pornography

by Editorial Staff
Published on July 26, 2022

A discussion about the place of religion in the current battles over pornography

Why are various religious communities, as well as some non-religious Americans, deeply concerned about the place of pornography in the United States? Dr. Kelsy Burke, author of the forthcoming The Pornography Wars: The Past, Present, and Future, of America’s Obscene Obsession, joins us to discuss longstanding battles over pornography. We explore why various religious communities oppose pornography, why evangelical Protestants in particular are anxious about masturbation and sex addiction, and what disputes over pornography reveal about today’s political climate.

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We hope you enjoy this episode of the Revealer podcast: Religion and Pornography.

Issue: Summer 2022
Category: Podcast
Tags: podcast

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