The President Says So

Published on February 22, 2005

While most of the press gets giddy over the revelation that Bush smoked pot (’cause, y’know, coke is for kids, but weed kills), leave it to the conservative Kathy Shaidle ofRelapsed Catholic to note the real significance of the Bush tapes: He admits speaking inChristian code. That’s just like when you get real high and play Dark Side of […]

While most of the press gets giddy over the revelation that Bush smoked pot (’cause, y’know, coke is for kids, but weed kills), leave it to the conservative Kathy Shaidle ofRelapsed Catholic to note the real significance of the Bush tapes: He admits speaking inChristian code. That’s just like when you get real high and play Dark Side of the Moonwhile you watch Wizard of Oz without sound. (It really works!) Even more revealing is Bush’s analysis of the Christian Coalition (as well as James Dobson and power preacher James Robison), based on an aide’s report: “This crowd uses gays as the enemy.” That summary — coming from the heart of the right — should put to rest the liberal bromide that the phrase “moral values” isn’t really about homosexuality. Yes, it is. Don’t take our word for it; listen to your President. “There are some code words”…

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