The Non-Traditional Body of Christ

Published on April 4, 2005

Gene Robinson, the openly gay Anglican Bishop whose consecration is at the heart of the Communion’s current divisions, has again outraged conservatives in the Church with recent remarks challenging the supremacy of nuclear families that were interpreted as a claim that Jesus might have been gay. At a Massachusetts conference entitled, “Homosexuality and the Body […]

Gene Robinson, the openly gay Anglican Bishop whose consecration is at the heart of the Communion’s current divisions, has again outraged conservatives in the Church with recent remarks challenging the supremacy of nuclear families that were interpreted as a claim that Jesus might have been gay. At a Massachusetts conference entitled, “Homosexuality and the Body of Christ: Is there a New Way,” Robinson was asked a question about reconciling acceptance of homosexuality with scriptural teachings about redemption of sin. His response — that, despite the current Christian fixation on traditional family values, the man all Christians follow was unmarried and lived a “non-traditional” life, traveling with “a bunch of men,” and maintaining a very close relationship with one disciple — has been interpreted as an outright claim about Jesus’ sexuality by some Anglicans and evangelicals, who’ve called for Robinson to be struck down by a bolt of holy lightning. A spokesman for the bishop has insisted that the comments meant only that, in his life, Jesus was a rule-breaker who hung out with “all the wrong people.”

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