The Mother of All Atheist Bestsellers

Published on June 4, 2007

Britannica Blog, published by the Encyclopedia Britannica, speculates on the mother of all atheist bestsellers... The Da Vince Code! It's a provocative thesis, but we're not sure it holds up. The average Da Vinci fan didn't think of the book as an attack on religion, but as a thriller. Those who considered its "philosophy" at all would find it more in line with new age spirituality than atheism. But maybe there is a connection there -- how many Sam Harris/Richard Dawkins/Christopher Hitchens fans are really atheists, as opposed to "spiritual but not religious"? How many read their books not out of antagonism toward all religion, but toward particular manifestations -- militant Islam (Harris and Hitchens) or fundamentalist Christianity (Harris and Dawkins)?

Britannica Blog, published by the Encyclopedia Britannica, speculates on the mother of all atheist bestsellers… The Da Vince Code! It’s a provocative thesis, but we’re not sure it holds up. The average Da Vinci fan didn’t think of the book as an attack on religion, but as a thriller. Those who considered its “philosophy” at all would find it more in line with new age spirituality than atheism. But maybe there is a connection there — how many Sam Harris/Richard Dawkins/Christopher Hitchens fans are really atheists, as opposed to “spiritual but not religious”? How many read their books not out of antagonism toward all religion, but toward particular manifestations — militant Islam (Harris and Hitchens) or fundamentalist Christianity (Harris and Dawkins)?

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