The Longest Night: An Interview With Laurel Snyder

Published on February 27, 2013

Laurel Snyder's children's book "The Longest Night" is a retelling of the story of Exodus from the perspective of one of the Israelite children living in Egypt.

Children’s author Laurel Snyder, long-time compatriot of The Revealer, has just released a new children’s book, The Longest Night. The book is a retelling of the story of Exodus  from the perspective of one of the Israelite children living in Egypt.

To celebrate the book’s release, Snyder sat down via interweb-connection with graduate student Nathan Schradle to discuss the process of creating it. The interview touches on broader themes, as well, including the issues of depicting violence and recasting Biblical stories for children’s literature.

Images provided courtesy of Random House.

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