The Gospel According to Stevie B.

Published on October 9, 2006

Greenfield: Lauren Sandler, author of Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth Movement, has an excellent profile of the Gospel-preaching and dude-speaking Stephen Baldwin as the feature at Salon today. The piece is not only beautifully written, but it also sheds light on just how influential this “Bio-Dome” star has become — he’s a cultural advisor […]

Greenfield: Lauren Sandler, author of Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth Movement, has an excellent profile of the Gospel-preaching and dude-speaking Stephen Baldwin as the feature at Salon today. The piece is not only beautifully written, but it also sheds light on just how influential this “Bio-Dome” star has become — he’s a cultural advisor to Bush and one of the most popular new evangelists in the country. Read it here.

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