Israel's Flotilla Fallout

Published on June 1, 2010

Updated: 6.5 Israeli navy has boarded the second flotilla bound for Gaza. Political cartoons from around the Arab world. (The post is a chance to reexamine the distinctions between anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and anti-current Israeli policy -- as well as anti-Americanism.) 6.4 Spender Ackerman on the "milestone" in Turkey-Israel relations. Glenn Greenwald on the methods used by Israel to influence reporting in the US media. Richard Bartholomew reports on the English Defense League and the London Pro-Israel rally. The Rachel Corrie, a second aid flotilla, is set to arrive in Gaza tomorrow. 6.3 Max Blumenthal cites an article in Hebrew that denies current Israeli claims that the violence was the result of a "bungled" operation. Charisma Magazine reports that Israeli officials are defending their actions to Christian supporters like Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Gordon Lynch writes at Diane Winston's The Scoop about "The Gaza Flotilla as Sacred Drama". Paul Woodward at AlterNet (via War in Context) on the recent report that one of those killed on the flotilla was a 19 year old American. Eric Alterman at The Nation on Beinart's recent column on American support of Israel and its subsequent commentary. The National Council of Churches has called on Israel to end the blockade of Gaza. 6.2 From the AP (via Huffington Post) an update of world reactions, including Netanyahu's defense of Israel's actions. Nathan Schneider, senior editor of our sister site, Killing the Buddha, writes at Sojourners about nonviolence and the Gaza Freedom Movement. Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic notes Noah Millman's insight and comments, "Now let's not delude ourselves: the reason so many of us find the policy toward Gaza repellent is that it is quite obviously an attempt to collectively punish the people of Gaza for voting for Hamas, and then for lobbing missiles after Israel's withdrawal." Daniel Larison at The American Conservative asks the right questions, including: " has it reached a point that Turkish unwillingness to go to war with Israel has become proof of Israeli success?" (via John Cole at Baloon Juice) AlterNet is promoting American Near East Refugee Aid's (ANERA) fundraising efforts for Gaza relief via a special email.



Israeli navy has boarded the second flotilla bound for Gaza.

Political cartoons from around the Arab world. (The post is a chance to reexamine the distinctions between anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and anti-current Israeli policy — as well as anti-Americanism.)


Spender Ackerman on the “milestone” in Turkey-Israel relations.

Glenn Greenwald on the methods used by Israel to influence reporting in the US media.

Richard Bartholomew reports on the English Defense League and the London Pro-Israel rally.

The Rachel Corrie, a second aid flotilla, is set to arrive in Gaza tomorrow.


Max Blumenthal cites an article in Hebrew that denies current Israeli claims that the violence was the result of a “bungled” operation.

Charisma Magazine reports that Israeli officials are defending their actions to Christian supporters like Christians United for Israel (CUFI).

Gordon Lynch writes at Diane Winston’s The Scoop about “The Gaza Flotilla as Sacred Drama”.

Paul Woodward at AlterNet (via War in Context) on the recent report that one of those killed on the flotilla was a 19 year old American.

Eric Alterman at The Nation on Beinart’s recent column on American support of Israel and its subsequent commentary.

The National Council of Churches has called on Israel to end the blockade of Gaza.


From the AP (via Huffington Post) an update of world reactions, including Netanyahu’s defense of Israel’s actions.

Nathan Schneider, senior editor of our sister site, Killing the Buddha, writes at Sojourners about nonviolence and the Gaza Freedom Movement.

Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic notes Noah Millman’s insight and comments, “Now let’s not delude ourselves: the reason so many of us find the policy toward Gaza repellent is that it is quite obviously an attempt to collectively punish the people of Gaza for voting for Hamas, and then for lobbing missiles after Israel’s withdrawal.”

Daniel Larison at The American Conservative asks the right questions, including: “…how has it reached a point that Turkish unwillingness to go to war with Israel has become proof of Israeli success?”  (via John Cole at Baloon Juice)

AlterNet is promoting American Near East Refugee Aid’s (ANERA) fundraising efforts for Gaza relief via a special email.

NPR reports that Israel and flotilla organizers are defending their actions online.

Barney Frank has stated, “As a Jew,” I’m “ashamed” over treatment of Palestinians.  Israel begins deporting activists.

Yesterday, Anthony Weiner came out in strong support of the flotilla attack.

Haaretz reports that the Knesset is in an uproar.


Don’t miss The Nation‘s round up of news on the weekend Israeli attack, which killed ten people, of a human rights led flotilla.

The UNHRC has approved an international, independent probe into the incident.

The Guardian‘s footage and minute-by-minute description of what happened.

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