The Best Party You Missed Last Year

Published on March 23, 2005

Singapore officials have refused to allow a local gay Christian support group to hold a planned AIDS awareness concert because the headline act is a gay Christian duo from San Francisco, and the officials argue that their presence would promote homosexuality. Singapore’s HIV/AIDS rates are the lowest in Asia, but they rose 28% last year […]

Singapore officials have refused to allow a local gay Christian support group to hold a planned AIDS awareness concert because the headline act is a gay Christian duo from San Francisco, and the officials argue that their presence would promote homosexuality. Singapore’s HIV/AIDS rates are the lowest in Asia, but they rose 28% last year — a phenomenon the government has attribubted entirely to one gay pride parade that took place last August. Some party that would have had to be. But whether or not the parade really was the Anais Nin orgy officials describe it as, this is the second time it’s been used to prohibit a gay event. Last December a Christmas dance party was cancelled after Singapore police decided it might “attract a large number of gays,” and some Muslim groups have pressured the government to crack down on gays.

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