The 30-Year Scare

Published on February 8, 2005

Retired journalist Lee Ellis knows Easter’s coming when his email inbox fills up with pleas to protest an atheist petition titled RM 2493 that is perennially said to be under review by the FCC, demanding that the agency remove any broadcasts that mention God. In its various incarnations, the messages include references to famed atheist […]

Retired journalist Lee Ellis knows Easter’s coming when his email inbox fills up with pleas to protest an atheist petition titled RM 2493 that is perennially said to be under review by the FCC, demanding that the agency remove any broadcasts that mention God. In its various incarnations, the messages include references to famed atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, James Dobson, the TV show “Touched by an Angel,” and the CBS network. Ellis, who was himself fooled by the hoax 22 years ago, claims that it’s cost the government hundreds of thousands of dollars to process the more than 30 million protest letters generated by rumors of RM 2493, which in reality, was a failed request in 1974 to reserve certain broadcast channels for educational purposes rather than religious ones.

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