
Published on January 18, 2005

Right-wing missionaries to the extremely powerful (elected or appointed), the Christian group Faith and Action has moved beyond its role of gifting senators and congressmen with stone Ten Commandments tablets and has announced its plans to begin Thursday’s inauguration ceremonies with a prayer of thanksgiving to God for President Bush’s reelection. Said F&A President Rev. […]

Right-wing missionaries to the extremely powerful (elected or appointed), the Christian group Faith and Action has moved beyond its role of gifting senators and congressmen with stone Ten Commandments tablets and has announced its plans to begin Thursday’s inauguration ceremonies with a prayer of thanksgiving to God for President Bush’s reelection. Said F&A President Rev. Rob Schenck “‘No president is perfect, but George Bush has done more than any recent president to champion what is important to serious Christians of every tradition: The Sanctity of Human Life, the Sanctity of Marriage and the public acknowedgement of God.'” We’re thinking either the phrase “every tradition” or “serious Christians” is looking for a qualifier.

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