Steve Earle's Brother Knew Ted Haggard Was Gay

Published on November 19, 2006

Jeff Sharlet: Revealer radio: First up, West Coast Revealer editor Peter Manseau on tonight's (Sunday, Nov. 19) "All Things Considered" with a commentary titled "Life as a Monk is a Constant Temptation." Peter's not trying to tell us something personal -- he's a happily married dad, but as the son of a Catholic priest, he knows a thing or two about celibacy and its discontents, in the news due to the Vatican's shocking re-affirmation of no-naughy for the priesthood. Tomorrow (Mon., Nov. 20): me, on Air America's "Rachel Maddow Show," discussing "Through a Glass, Darkly: How the Christian Right is Reimagining U.S. History," in the December issue of Harper's Last and -- let's be honest -- least, the "KGB Bar Radio Hour", hosted by Mark Jacobson and Miki the MILF, with special guests 70s porn star Jamie Gillis, two Houdini biographers, me -- and surprise guest Steve Earle, one of my musical heroes and of special interest to Revealer readers for his 2002 song, "John Walker Blues." How did I earn a spot in such company? By not knowing that Ted Haggard was gay. But Steve Earle's brother, who works at the Colorado Springs airport, did.

Jeff Sharlet: Revealer radio: First up, West Coast Revealer editor Peter Manseau on tonight’s (Sunday, Nov. 19) “All Things Considered” with a commentary titled “Life as a Monk is a Constant Temptation.” Peter’s not trying to tell us something personal — he’s a happily married dad, but as the son of a Catholic priest, he knows a thing or two about celibacy and its discontents, in the news due to the Vatican’s shocking re-affirmation of no-naughy for the priesthood. Tomorrow (Mon., Nov. 20): me, on Air America’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” discussing “Through a Glass, Darkly: How the Christian Right is Reimagining U.S. History,” in the December issue of Harper’s Last and — let’s be honest — least, the “KGB Bar Radio Hour”, hosted by Mark Jacobson and Miki the MILF, with special guests 70s porn star Jamie Gillis, two Houdini biographers, me — and surprise guest Steve Earle, one of my musical heroes and of special interest to Revealer readers for his 2002 song, “John Walker Blues.” How did I earn a spot in such company? By not knowing that Ted Haggard was gay. But Steve Earle’s brother, who works at the Colorado Springs airport, did.

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