Spiritual Anorexia and the Son of Sam

Published on June 28, 2004

Lunchtime in the Cafeteria of “Spiritual Anorexia”: Linda Stewart Ball, of The Dallas Morning News, reports on the four-day Dallas conference of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition, themed “Broad Shoulders, Open Minds.” One of the conference’s speakers, longtime schoolmaster Rev. F. Washington Jarvis III, lamented that, “kids today may be huge physically but they’re spiritually puny.” Jarvis, […]

Lunchtime in the Cafeteria of “Spiritual Anorexia”: Linda Stewart Ball, of The Dallas Morning News, reports on the four-day Dallas conference of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition, themed “Broad Shoulders, Open Minds.” One of the conference’s speakers, longtime schoolmaster Rev. F. Washington Jarvis III, lamented that, “kids today may be huge physically but they’re spiritually puny.” Jarvis, Ball writes, “blamed this ‘spiritual anorexia’ on weak leadership, zealous secular humanists and ignorance.”

10:16 am: “It’s a shame that David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz couldn’t find Jesus before a dog ordered him to murder six people in cold blood three decades ago…But since Berkowitz discovered Jesus 30 years too late, you now have the unique opportunity to buy an interview with the murderer through Colorado Spring-based Focus on the Family. In it he describes his conversion to Christianity and extraordinary story of redemption – all for a reasonable, suggested donation of $9 a CD.” The Denver Post’s David Harsanyi reports.

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