Spare the Rod, or Do Unto Others?

Published on January 13, 2005

The Boston Globe reports on an advertisement seen in Home School Digest for “The Rod,” a $5 whipping stick advertised alongside a biblical passage encouraging parents not to spare the “rod of correction.” A Lutheran home-schooling parent, Susan Lawrence, was shocked by the ad and launched a national campaign to stop the misuse of the […]

The Boston Globe reports on an advertisement seen in Home School Digest for “The Rod,” a $5 whipping stick advertised alongside a biblical passage encouraging parents not to spare the “rod of correction.” A Lutheran home-schooling parent, Susan Lawrence, was shocked by the ad and launched a national campaign to stop the misuse of the Bible to justify corporal punishment and asked the federal government to ban The Rod, and all other products designed for spanking, as hazardous to children. The creator of The Rod, an auto-mechanic from Oklahoma, has decided to stop production for now based on pressure from Lawrence’s campaign, but stood by his product as in keeping with biblical teachings.

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