See You at the Pole

Published on March 4, 2005

Cleveland Jewish News reports on the flap at a local public school, Shaker Heights High, where some non-Christian students are angry about a Christian club that meets on school grounds, Students for God. There are some colorful descriptions of the club — which participates in the national “See You at the Pole” prayers and is […]

Cleveland Jewish News reports on the flap at a local public school, Shaker Heights High, where some non-Christian students are angry about a Christian club that meets on school grounds, Students for God. There are some colorful descriptions of the club — which participates in the national “See You at the Pole” prayers and is considering a ripped-jeans day to show that members have been praying on their knees — but beyond that, there doesn’t seem to be much of a legal leg for those students annoyed with the club to stand on. Though the News mentions other recent examples of clearly out-of-bounds proselytizing at other schools — handing out Bibles in class; mandated athletic team prayer — the Shaker Heights school studied-up on the legal issues beforehand, and even the ACLU has counseled the students that feeling annoyed by the Students for God doesn’t amount to discrimination.

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