SCOTUS Approves Tax Credit for Religious Tuition

Published on April 4, 2011

Two decisions come out of the Supreme Court today, one mentioned almost as a footnote to the other in a New York Times article.  Donate money for an award at a religious education institution, get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit, says the ruling on an Arizona case.  From the article: The program itself is novel and complicated, and allowing it to go forward may be of no particular moment. But by closing the courthouse door to some kinds of suits that claim violations of the First Amendment’s ban on government establishment of religion, the court’s ruling in the case may be quite consequential. The footnote?  Once again the court has upheld the death penalty, albeit with regard to a specific California inmate who claimed that part of his testimony had been suppressed. We can assume that Justice Thomas once again asked no questions.

Two decisions come out of the Supreme Court today, one mentioned almost as a footnote to the other in a New York Times article.  Donate money for an award at a religious education institution, get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit, says the ruling on an Arizona case.  From the article:

The program itself is novel and complicated, and allowing it to go forward may be of no particular moment. But by closing the courthouse door to some kinds of suits that claim violations of the First Amendment’s ban on government establishment of religion, the court’s ruling in the case may be quite consequential.

The footnote?  Once again the court has upheld the death penalty, albeit with regard to a specific California inmate who claimed that part of his testimony had been suppressed.

We can assume that Justice Thomas once again asked no questions.

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