Richard Ostling Had Nothing to Do With Him

Published on February 2, 2005

Oh, the bias of mainstream media against religion and Oh, the liberal conspiracy of it all, proven again by AP columnist and religion writer Richard N. Ostling, reviewing yet another revised Bible, The Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures and The Inclusive New Testament. The new Bible is a “degendered” text produced by the liberal Catholic group — […]

Oh, the bias of mainstream media against religion and Oh, the liberal conspiracy of it all, proven again by AP columnist and religion writer Richard N. Ostling, reviewing yet another revised Bible, The Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures and The Inclusive New Testament. The new Bible is a “degendered” text produced by the liberal Catholic group — or as Ostling calls them, the “militant feminists” — Priests for Equality (a project of the sadly named Quixote Center), who hope to remove what they see as sexism and prejudicial references to homosexuals or other minorities from the texts. Their argument is indeed a controversial theological one — “‘The Bible is not itself the Word of God, for that would be idolatry. Rather, the Bible contains the Word of God — or better yet, the Bible is the unique document of human beings’ encounters with the Living God.'” — but rather than take that on, Ostling dismisses the issue with sneering asides about feminism and political correctness that he knows will catch more easy attention than debates over the authorship of the Bible. Among Ostling’s brave panderings to the status quo: you won’t be able to call God “Father,” heaven “His Kingdom,” or Jesus “The Son of Man” if the militant feminists get their way with these new-fangled ideas.

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