Religion As Race

Published on March 6, 2007

Perhaps American anxieties over the possibility of a black president are being played out not through discussion of race, but religion. First there was the media myth that Obama was a Muslim because his father was, the “responsible” version of which maintained only that Obama had attended a madrassah — simply an Islamic school. This […]

Perhaps American anxieties over the possibility of a black president are being played out not through discussion of race, but religion. First there was the media myth that Obama was a Muslim because his father was, the “responsible” version of which maintained only that Obama had attended a madrassah — simply an Islamic school. This was followed by oddly vigorous denials from white supporters of both incorrect claims, as if Islam was some kind of contagious disease. The answer, “That’s not true, but so what if it was?” was not an option. Now the press is onto another bug — Afrocentric Christianity. As we wrote below, Obama played to the media myth, disinviting his Afrocentric pastor from his presidential announcement. Blogger Judah of Headline Junky writes The Revealer with the results of his own investigation of Obama’s roots, undertaken following an Obama smear in Investor Business Daily, the “kind of smear campaign [that] takes advantage of the perception among whites that Afrocentrism is a sort of reverse racism, practicing segregation under the guise of self-help.”

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