Relics For Sale

Published on October 25, 2006

Greenfield: The Los Angeles-based International Crusade for Holy Relics (ICHR), an independent group of Christians, is calling for a boycott of eBay until it does more to stop the sale of bodily relics of deceased saints on its site. The group’s president, Tom Serafin, says that “sacred status is undermined when body parts — whether […]

Greenfield: The Los Angeles-based International Crusade for Holy Relics (ICHR), an independent group of Christians, is calling for a boycott of eBay until it does more to stop the sale of bodily relics of deceased saints on its site. The group’s president, Tom Serafin, says that “sacred status is undermined when body parts — whether authentic to the saints or mere forgeries — get bought and sold as objects of trade.” His point is valid, but although eBay spokeswoman Catherine England says that because of limited resources the company must prioritize its screening of posted items, an unhappy Serafin still wonders: “They do it with weaponry and pornography, why can’t they do it here?”

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