Reading Widely: Our Recent Favorites

Published on April 3, 2012

Some of the best religion and media reads from around the webs this week.

“Open to ALL Concerned White patriots–A Great FAMILY Event!”  Gawker treats us to a long read on the KKK.

Annie Clemmer Funk, a Mennonite missionary to India, was on the Titanic.

Who’s an Ethiopian Jew?  Watch PBS’s segment on the plight of Jews in Ethiopia and Israel–a story of prejudice, authenticity, immigration, faith and poverty.

Mary Valle writes at America about actress-turned-nun Dolores Hart.

50-State survey: Prison chaplains, religious extremism, conversion behind bars.”

It might be time to bury Lenin, or, as this writer says, de-mythologize him.

Kiera Feldman gives us the Park Slope Food Coop much-ado.

Brook Wilensky-Lanford reviews Alain de Botton’s latest, Religion for Atheists.

Laurel Snyder accounts for her Bruce Springsteen worship.

Successful religious exemptions for Amish (that apply to Amish).

At The Scoop, Kevin Healey wonders if the Trayvon Martin shooting is a religious issue.

The Chicago Tribune asks if doctors should talk more about their faith with patients.



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