Penis Monologues

Published on March 8, 2006

The Washington Post gives an interesting, if perhaps a bit credulous, report on campus conservatives who take an a la carte approach to defending “traditional values”: picking a pet peeve, like the collegiate popularity of Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues,” and dedicating themselves to the lonely protest work of walking around in a six-foot penis […]

The Washington Post gives an interesting, if perhaps a bit credulous, report on campus conservatives who take an a la carte approach to defending “traditional values”: picking a pet peeve, like the collegiate popularity of Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues,” and dedicating themselves to the lonely protest work of walking around in a six-foot penis costume. (Here’s the link again.) But aside from the story of the WaPo’s main subject, Monique Stuart, undergoing a conservative awakening over the Monologues (or, it might be noted, her poor scores on listening comprehension), the story gives a valuable behind-the-scenes look at how conservative think tanks effectively replenish their ranks through small-scale outreach operations like the anti-Ensler “Penis Monologues.”

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